How To Quickly Close Cybersecurity Risks Today & Produce an Identity Strategy for the Future
Design an identity strategy for your institution with our complimentary guidance
While colleges and universities struggle to stretch cybersecurity strategy dollars to reduce risk, many are seeking advice on how to implement incremental and achievable modernization programs. This workbook from Bravura Security and Moran Technology Consulting offers guidance on how to generate an identity access management and governance assessment while also developing a roadmap that protects your institution. It shows you how to generate an identity access management and governance program and develop a roadmap that protects your institution.
This workbook is for those who are designing an information security strategy and program for their institution. It is ideal for multiple participants from one institution to work collaboratively on a strategy for their institution. Learn practical back-to-basic strategies to reduce cybersecurity risk and protect your institution, work through the 10-step assessment, gain firsthand knowledge about roadmap strategies and quick wins, and produce a roadmap for your institution.