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Bravura Security guides, ebooks, white papers, webinars on-demand, and brochures.

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Bravura Pass Plus
Reimagining End User Password Management and Transforming Breach Response

Traditional password management has long been a cornerstone of organizational security practices. However, as the digital landscape evolves, so do the challenges associated with managing passwords. Conventional password management strategies often exhibit critical shortcomings, including user password fatigue, the risk of user lockouts, and compliance challenges with security standards. This whitepaper introduces Bravura Pass Plus, a solution designed to address these issues by removing the traditional password management and password safety burdens while transforming password management strength, security, and accountability.

Bravura Identity
Securing Your Data: Comprehensive Guidance to Governing AI Identities in IAM
This webinar is designed to help navigate the complexities, emerging pitfalls, and legal implications of AI identity governance and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. Watch our IAM and InfoSec experts dive into the essentials of integrating AI identities into your IAM strategy, ensuring effective governance, and maintaining compliance. Explore the challenges and unparalleled opportunities that AI presents to assist your organization within the IAM landscape, showcasing real-life scenarios and providing practical solutions to issues that could have detrimental consequences.
Bravura Identity / Bravura Privilege
How to Build a Roadmap for Identity and Privileged Access Maturity
Join us with our partner, Idenhaus, for a comprehensive webinar as we delve into a complete overview of how organizations can assess, enhance, and optimize their strategies, linking their teams toward common goals and corporate objectives to achieve enhanced maturity and security excellence. 
Bravura Identity
Identity Security 2.0: Unleashing the Unprecedented Power of ChatGPT

Watch on-demand an enlightening webinar, delve into the emerging threats posed by ChatGPT and its profound impact on the world of identity security.

Bravura Identity
KuppingerCole Leadership Compass IGA 2022
Enterprise IAM suites today need to meet an ever-growing list of IT requirements, which includes process automation, self-service, and identity-related administration and governance capabilities. Bravura Security offers a well-lintegrated all-in-one IAM package that can meet these enterprise business requirements.
Bravura Safe
How to Go Passwordless at Your Organization to Reduce Cybersecurity Risk

How to Go Passwordless at Your Organization to Reduce Cybersecurity Risk. Password Management Explained from Federation and Password Managers to Adaptive Authentication, and Legacy Solutions.

Passwords pose significant problems for organizations and users alike, precisely due to their evergrowing abundance and complexity. These common - and almost universal - scenarios and actions employees take to deal with the problems associated with password management that puts your organization’s security at risk. Companies need strategies that work with human nature.

Download the White Paper to learn more.

Bravura Identity
Maturing operational security with an automation-first approach to IAM
Over the last few decades, organisations have adhered to a number of security practices that are showing their age. With the explosion of remote work and software as a service (SaaS) adoption, this has become more pronounced. In pursuit of greater operational maturity, initiatives such as Zero Trust have placed these practices under scrutiny and the evidence suggests they are wanting.
Bravura Safe
Cut Your Cybersecurity Risk with an Industry-Leading Password Safe

While compromised passwords remain the top cause of breaches and attacks, working from home and leveraging new tools has resulted in an explosion of new, decentralized employee passwords outside of the enterprise applications onboarded to your identity and privileged access management program. This shadow IT creates significant cybersecurity risk for your company with hundreds of employee passwords, secrets, and files shared in chats and texts, stored in spreadsheets, and saved on sticky notes. Or worse, passwords are reused across personal and corporate accounts on the internet.

An IAM & PAM Industry Guide to Ransomware: A Winning Defense with Zero Trust

Organizations should be deliberate about building proactive strategies to stay a step ahead of ransomware and other cybersecurity risks. Zero Trust empowers your organization with the security and framework you need to combat the new ransomware-as-a-service paradigm. That may be reason enough to mature your operational security with Zero Trust, but there are many other marketplace-driven factors to encourage the change.

Bravura Pass
2022 KuppingerCole Report PAM Leadership Compass
This Leadership Compass report will give an overview and insights into the Privileged Access Management (PAM) market, providing you a compass to help you find the products that can meet the criteria necessary for successful PAM deployments. PAM is an essential component in protecting organizations against cyber-attacks, ransomware, malware, phishing, and data leaks. No longer only for protecting admin accounts, privilege management now extends across the entire organization from on-premises and cloud infrastructures to every user, no matter where they are working from, or what they are accessing.
Bravura Identity
KuppingerCole Report: Executive View
Enterprise IAM suites today need to meet an ever-growing list of IT requirements, which includes process automation, self-service, and identity-related administration and governance capabilities. Bravura Security offers a well-lintegrated all-in-one IAM package that can meet these enterprise business requirements.
Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege
The Rising Insider Threat

Hackers Have Approached 65% of Executives or Their Employees To Assist in Ransomware Attacks

Bravura Privilege
Learn why your Employees may be your biggest risk to malware attacks

Download this Infographic and learn why your Employees may be your biggest risk to malware attacks.

Bravura Privilege
Choosing the Right Program Can Be a Game Changer

Driving Modernization and Digital Transformation in Higher Education

Work and learning are moving from place-based to remote, and the cybersecurity threats to higher education institutions are shifting with them. With hybrid, remote, and distance learning here to stay, universities are on a quest to provide seamless yet secure, modern learning experiences equivalent to in-person models. The continual change in pressures and threats has upended higher education cybersecurity strategy.

For institutions to prevent, detect, and respond to these new threats new technologies and strategies are required.

Bravura Privilege
Learn how to prevent hackers from gaining control of data and infrastructure

Download this Infographic and learn how mature Identity and Privileged Access Management programs that promote Zero Trust principals are a good way to prevent hackers from gaining control of data and infrastructure.

Maturing operational security with an automation-first approach to IAM
 Over the last few decades, organisations have adhered to a number of security practices that are showing their age. With the explosion of remote work and software as a service (SaaS) adoption, this has become more pronounced. In pursuit of greater operational maturity, initiatives such as Zero Trust have placed these practices under scrutiny and the evidence suggests they are wanting. The rise of new technologies like adaptive authentication, enterprise federation and next-gen IAM offers new options and techniques — options that were once considered hypothetical. Among those worthy of 
consideration are an automation-first approach to identity and access management (IAM). In organisations where Zero Trust initiatives are being scoped, intelligent IAM can play a foundational role. Notwithstanding, IAM deployments should be regarded as multi-phase projects accompanied by unique obstacles that stakeholders would do well to avoid.
Bravura Privilege
Advancing Privileged Access Management (PAM) to Address Modern Business Requirements

Security breaches of privileged accounts can be catastrophic to any business by allowing bad actors unfettered access to the company’s most sensitive data and IT systems. Related vulnerabilities have accelerated in recent years due to increased IT infrastructure complexities and broad distribution of business-critical services. To assist organizations with identifying the most effective methods for managing privileged access, Bravura Security sponsored EMA's primary, survey-based research into the real-world requirements, challenges, and management techniques employed for securing privileged access.

Bravura Privilege
Higher Education IT Leaders are Looking to Complement Access Governance with Automation

As budgets continue to be in flux, and IT and security teams must reduce risk using fewer resources, automation - a key business enabler - is becoming paramount. This 2020 survey from Bravura Security and Pulse of 100 Higher Education IT Executives uncovers the discrepancy between the IAM processes currently in place and what best practises truly are-especially when it comes to the benefits of IAM automation.

Bravura Privilege
Deploying a Privileged Access System: 9 Actionable Strategies to Ensure Success

This nine-step guide will address the most common questions and concerns surrounding a practical PAM system deployment. It will also help you establish a painless and rewarding rollout and ongoing operation to the implementation. By following these best practices, you will streamline user adoption and foster scalability as you implement a PAM solution across your network's architecture.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege
Balance the Scales of Security and Convenience

Automation. It's a core value of Identity & Access Management solutions and can help universities and colleges meet and maintain governance and cybersecurity goals by simplifying critical IAM processes. Learn how focusing on automation first improves governance and certification.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege
How Security and Identity Fabrics Work to Help Improve Security

Many organizations struggle or even fail because they overcomplicate the implementation and extension of their cybersecurity toolset. Most do not have a central approach on security, and often use a set of tools that are not well-integrated with each other.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege
Fragmented IAM Must Come Together To Solve New Challenges

Remote workforces, hybrid infrastructures, elevated access requirements and dynamic business models challenge established IAM practices. Organizations will be better positioned to deal with these trends when fragmented IAM value chains work together for a secure posture and effective administration. We will examine the impact of these key trends and how interconnected IAM systems are better positioned to address these challenges.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege
Set your IAM Implementation Strategy

Are Disparate Leading Solutions or a Unified IAM Suite a Better Choice?

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass
Financial Services

Compliance is the goal of nearly all privacy and internal controls in financial services. But compliance is just the start.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege
Build a Solutions-Driven Culture with a Modern Identity

Where competing IT priorities and limited resources hang in a delicate balance, you have to invest where you'll see the biggest impact. Digital identity, connecting students and staff to information that builds knowledge, is an opportunity for pivotal efficiency gains.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Privilege
7 Questions Every CIO Must Answer in the Coronavirus Age

Everything is different now, and there's no telling when employees will be back in the office, if ever. Capital One doesn't expect to bring employees back until after Labor Day. Amazon has extended its work from home policy to October. Facebook and Google will allow employees to work from home through the end of 2020. Shopify has closed all offices until at least 2021 with all employees working from home. Twitter employees never have to return to the office if they don't want to. These changes come with new challenges for IT. Some of them you've encountered already. Others are issues to anticipate and prepare for. Then there are the steps you might have overlooked in the scramble to fully enable remote work for your employees. Now is the time to strengthen your organization's security. Let's look at five questions every CIO should be asking right now.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege
Dealing with Identity Management challenges within the Covid-19 crisis

2020 has presented many challenges to many companies -- from mass furloughing for some businesses, to mass hiring for others. Workforces are struggling to adapt to new work-from-home mandates, and companies are ill-prepared to enable these new access demands. Financial services companies in particular are struggling to deal with a multitude of remote authentication related challenges. Bravura Security will offer suggestions on how companies can use Identity Management and Privileged Access Management to secure access control for employees and keep businesses safe from potential breaches.

Bravura Pass
From Password Reset to Credential Management

Modern password management systems must address new requirements, to operate in a world of BYOD, cloud, mobility and encryption.

Bravura Identity
Which Comes First Identity Automation or Governance

Organizations that want to mitigate risk need identity and access management. It must become an integral part of the company, touching everyone and everything. IAM provides a strong rules platform that will increase worker productivity while improving security. Identity Management is key to ensure employees are both empowered to deliver value and prevent damage to the business's reputation, security, or bottom line. When getting started with IAM, companies will need to decide whether to begin with automation or governance first. This webinar will explore both approaches and make a case for which should come first.

Bravura Privilege
Privileged Access in the Healthcare Market

An essential tool in the effort to secure access to critical healthcare systems is privileged access management. With this, administrative and other accounts with elevated privileges have their passwords periodically randomized. Multi-factor authentication (MFA), robust authorization policies and access audit logs ensure that access is business-appropriate and users are accountable for their actions.

Bravura Identity
Implementing an IAM Program isn't scary

Successful organizations make a long-term investment in IAM and PAM solutions, to support long-term growth of their system. Join CTO Idan Shoham for a discussion about best practices for organizing and operationalizing their IAM and PAM initiatives.

Bravura Privilege
Introducing Privileged Access Management with Identity Experts & Bravura Security

In this informative webinar, speakers from Identity Experts and Bravura Security will educate attendees on PAM and how it can work to reinforce their organizations. The speakers will take attendees on a journey to understanding PAM and it's many benefits, as well as demonstrating the solutions to make PAM implementation a reality.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Cloud
Bravura Security Systems IAMaaS Service Details

This document lays out what Bravura Security offers in its 'as-a-service' IAM application: architecture, security and privacy protections, support and implementation services, change controls and commercial model.

Bravura Identity
Enterprise-Scale IAM with Bravura Identity

IAM process automation using Bravura Identity: discovery, systems of record, requests, workflows, certification and analytics.

Bravura Identity
ITSM vs IAM: When is the Right Time?

Most medium to large organizations have deployed both an IT service management (ITSM) platform, (which may include popular applications from ServiceNow, BMC/Remedy, Atlassian/JIRA and HP/Service Manager), and an identity and access management system (IAM), including applications such as Bravura Identity. This seems like a good approach – what could possibly go wrong?

Bravura Identity
RBAC Explained and Implemented

An overview of role-based access control (RBAC), including definitions, business processes, implementation strategy and organizational impact.

Bravura Identity
Access Requests: IAM or ITSM?

Both IAM and ITSM systems include request portals, which raises the question: which UI should be presented to users who wish to request new access to changes to their identity information?

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege
Spent Millions on IAM and all you got was Access Certification?

Learn how to eliminate manual identity and entitlement administration by adopting best practices IAM processes.

Bravura Identity
IAM Requester Usability

A core problem in all identity and access management (IAM) systems is how to help requesters articulate access requests. Requesters rarely know exactly what entitlements, on what systems, are required to perform a given function.

Bravura Identity
Business Case: Complex IAM requirements in a University + Medical Center environment
The University of California - San Francisco (UCSF) had to replace a 20+ year old, mainframe-based identity system. The platform is being phased out and software authors and maintainers are gone. The presentation will describe how UCSF characterized and addressed challenges in replacing a system deeply entangled with core business processes, and expanding process automation to prepare UCSF for the future.
Bravura Identity
Best Practices for IAM Assessments, Blueprints & Roadmaps

Join Todd Rossin, IDMWORKS CEO & Chief strategist, and Idan Shoham, co-founder and CTO, Bravura Security, as they address the complexities around identity and the most common questions about IAM Assessments & Roadmaps: Why Should We Assess? What Should We Assess? & When Should We Reassess?

Bravura Privilege
PAM: Usability and Access Disclosure

Privileged Access Management systems are generally used to replace static, well known passwords with frequently changing, cryptographically stored passwords.

Bravura Identity
Bravura Security Supports Compliance with 21 CFR 11

This document gives a brief introduction to Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Volume 11 (21 CFR 11 for short), and describes how it impacts information security in the pharmaceutical industry.

Bravura Identity
Regulatory Compliance Using Identity Management

This document outlines a variety of problems that can arise with user profile data, the impact of those problems on the efficacy of an enterprise AAA infrastructure, and the solutions that an identity management system can bring to bear to eliminate those problems.

Bravura Privilege
Best Practices for Securing Privileged Access

This nine-step guide will address the most common questions and concerns surrounding a practical PAM system deployment. It will also help you establish a painless and rewarding rollout and ongoing operation to the implementation. By following these best practices, you will streamline user adoption and foster scalability as you implement a PAM solution across your network's architecture.

Bravura Identity
Access Management: Challenges and Solutions

In this document, access management is first defined and then the various challenges faced by many organizations are described.

Bravura Identity
Beyond Roles: A Practical Approach to Enterprise IAM

Understanding and avoiding the pitfalls of a purely role-based approach when automating IAM lifecycle processes.

Bravura Pass
Migrating Application Users with Bravura Pass

Using password synchronization to support migrating users between applications and directories.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege
What's New in Bravura Security Fabric 11.0

Bravura Security is pleased to announce the release of a major version (11.0) of its Bravura Security Fabric. The 11.0 release introduces group lifecycle management across integrated systems and applications.

Bravura Identity
GDPR and IoT

Bravura Security CTO Idan Shoham gives a discussion on GDPR and IoT and their impact on the Identity Management industry.

Bravura Identity
Achieving Quick Wins in IAM projects

Many IAM projects struggle or even fail because demonstrating their benefit takes too long. Quick-wins that are visible to the end users are a key success factor for any IAM program. However, just showing quick-wins is not sufficient, unless there is a stable foundation for IAM delivered as result of the IAM project. Thus, building on an integrated suite that enables quick-wins through its features is a good approach for IAM projects.

Bravura Pass
2017 NIST Password Policy Recommendations

This documents reviews the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines for password complexity and non-password authentication systems.

Bravura Identity
Overview of Bravura Security 10.1 Release of the Identity & Access Management Suite

Overview of Bravura Security 10.1 Release of the Identity & Access Management Suite - webinar held July 11, 2017.

Simplifying IAM Process Automation with Bravura Identity Express

This document explains how a reference implementation of an identity and access management (IAM) system enables lower cost, lower risk process automation, as compared to a fully custom approach.

Bravura Privilege
Privileged Access in and for the Cloud

Privileged access management (PAM) systems are increasingly being used to great effect in securing cloud infrastructure and SaaS environments. With the popularity and affordability of cloud computing environments, organizations can now increase the value and lower the operating cost of PAM systems. This session will explore the various aspects of Cloud and PAM and provide concrete recommendations to implement them.

Secure the Cloud: How to Lock Down Access to SaaS and IaaS

As organizations move their application inventory out of private data centers to public cloud providers, login pages are exposed to public URLs. This eliminates the network perimeter as a first line of defense and dramatically increases the set of possible attackers. At the same time, organizations are subject to increasing regulatory and audit requirements regarding privacy protection and governance. To address the increased risk of public access to critical systems and applications, organizations must deploy multi-factor authentication, robust access governance and control over privileged accounts. This webinar will discuss implementation of these measures.

Bravura Identity
Planning, Deploying and Managing an IAM System

How to plan for an IAM deployment, including resourcing, product selection, deployment sequence and ongoing scope expansion.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass
GDPR - EU 2016/679: General Data Protection Overview and IAM Impact

Summary of GDPR - EU 2016/679 along with how the privacy-protection regulation impacts IAM systems.

Bravura Pass
Strong Authentication and Federation with Bravura Pass

Replacing single-factor on SaaS logins with strong, multi-factor Bravura Pass logins.

Bravura Identity
Remediating Excess Entitlements with Bravura Security Access Certifier

Addressing entitlement accumulation by periodically inviting stake-holders to review and correct lists of users and access rights.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege
Automation First: A Practical Approach to IAM
This document explains why it makes senses to implement robust processes to manage identities, entitlements and credentials before cleaning up legacy access rights.
Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege
Best Practices for Bravura Security Fabric Database Configuration

Configuring and placing the back-end database for Bravura Security Fabric application servers.

Bravura Privilege
Design and Implementation of Administrator Session Monitoring

Builds a business case for monitoring administrator activity and explores design decisions for the technology and implementation required to implement it.

Bravura Identity
HIPAA Compliance Using Bravura Security Fabric

Using IAM process automation to meet privacy protection requirements in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Bravura Identity
Extranet IAM: Process and Architecture

Architectural and process requirements for IAM process automation on a typical Extranet, supporting customers or partners.

Bravura Pass
Choosing Good Passwords: A User Guide

Plain-language guide for choosing secure passwords that are hard to compromise.

Bravura Privilege
Defining Identity and Access Management

Typical components in a shared platform for managing manage users, their entitlements and credentials.

Bravura Pass
Sneak Peek for Bravura Privilege 10.0

Preview of the 10.0 release of Bravura Privilege, highlighting a new privileged access dashboard, session search and playback dashboard, request approval UI and component framework.

Bravura Pass
Integrating Password Management with Enterprise Single Sign-On

Relate password management to single sign-on systems and clarify the need to integrate IAM systems with E-SSO.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass
Sneak Peek at Bravura Identity and Bravura Pass 10.0

New features in the mobile app include multi-factor authentication for all users and push notifications. Bravura Pass now includes a personal password vault and a federated SAMLv2 identity provider (IdP). Bravura Identity supports management of nested groups, creating new folders and new analytics. Role and SoD rule recertification is new.

Bravura Pass
Bravura Pass Deployment Best Practices

Prioritizing functionality and maximizing user engagement to get good adoption rates and ROI.

Bravura Identity
Approaches to IAM: Best of Breed versus Suites

Pros and cons of implementing IAM automation using a suite of products from a stack vendor versus a combination of best-of-breed products.

Bravura Pass
Password Management Best Practices

Best practices for password complexity, lockout policy, synchronization and reset processes.

Bravura Privilege
Securing Privileged Access with Bravura Privilege
Secure access to elevated privileges with strong authentication, flexible authorization, randomized passwords, session monitoring, risk scores and more.
Bravura Pass
Large Scale Password Management With Bravura Pass

Making passwords secure, friendly and cost effective: on-premises, in the cloud, off-site; pre-boot, at the PC login screen and via BYOD.

Bravura Privilege
Managing Service Account Passwords Introduction and Real-world Complexity

This document is meant for a technical audience which has been tasked with replacing static, embedded Windows service account passwords with a system where these passwords are automatically changed to new, random values on a regular basis.

Bravura Privilege
Let the Good Guys In: Taking Identity & Access Management to the Next Level

Identity and access management is about far more than keeping the bad guys out. You need to let people in to your organization - employees, customers, partners, suppliers and so on - but not every level of access is created equal. In this program, leading experts from Gartner and Bravura Security will help you determine who gets access and where they can go, what tools you should be using to ensure the most effective Identity and Access Management process for users and the enterprise, where to you turn for the right IAM solution for your needs.

Bravura Identity
Best Practices for Identity and Access Management

Assigning unique identifiers, leveraging roles, deactivating access and more.

Appliances versus Traditional Servers: Pros and Cons

Evaluate the pros and cons of physical and virtual appliances as compared to software on managed operating system images.

Secure Architecture for BYOD Access to On-Premises Applications

Enabling BYOD access to on-premises applications from smart phones which are neither on-premises or VPN-attached, without exposing a public URL.

Bravura Identity
Locking Down a Bravura Security Fabric Server

Best practices guide for securing a Bravura Security Fabric server, from hardware through configuration and patch management.

Bravura Identity
Role Lifecycle Management Best Practices

Best practices for defining, assigning and maintaining the definitions of roles in an IAM system.

Bravura Identity
Access Governance Using the Bravura Identity

Enforcing a principle of least privilege through request/approval workflows, risk scores, SoD policy enforcement, periodic reviews and more.

Bravura Privilege
Securing Embedded Passwords with Bravura Privilege

Replacing static and/or plaintext passwords embedded in scripts and applications with a secure API.

Bravura Security Fabric
HIPAA - The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Brochure

An overview on how Bravura Security solutions support the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act compliance.

SOX - Sarbanes Oxley Brochure

An overview on how Bravura Security solutions support the Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.

Bravura Security Fabric
GLB - Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Brochure

An overview on how Bravura Security solutions support the Gramm-Leach-Blilely compliance.

Bravura Pass
Building a Password Management Business Case

Addressing help desk call volume, weak passwords and user complaints with password management automation.

Bravura Identity
Building an IAM Business Case

Addressing access risk, administration cost and business agility requirements with identity and access process automation.

Bravura Identity
Automated and Self-Service Group Management

Moving group lifecycle and membership management from a centralized IT support model to a combination of unattended processes, self-service requests and periodic reviews.

Bravura Identity
Standard IAM Business Processes: B2B / Partner Portal

Best practices for managing users, identity attributes and entitlements in a typical Extranet Partner / B2B web portal.

Bravura Identity
Standard IAM Business Processes: B2C / Customer Portal

Best practices for managing users, identity attributes and entitlements in a typical consumer-facing Extranet web portal.

PCI-DSS Compliance Using Bravura Security Fabric

Notes about complying with PCI-DSS.

Bravura Pass
Simplifying Lotus Notes ID and Password Management Brochure
An overview on how Bravura Security solutions support Lotus Notes integration.
Bravura Identity
IAM as a Service: Architecture and Trust

Considerations when deploying an IAM system in a SaaS model -- network perimeters, trust, risk/liability and more.

Bravura Identity
Standard IAM Business Processes: Workforce

Best practices for managing users, identity attributes and entitlements in across a workforce.

Bravura Pass
Bravura Pass Features at a Glance

Product features in Bravura Pass.

Bravura Privilege
Bravura Privilege Features at a Glance

Product features in Bravura Privilege.

Bravura Pass
Self-service - Anywhere

Self-service login problem problem resolution in difficult contexts: pre-boot, at the OS login screen, off-site and from a smart phone.

Bravura Privilege
Data Replication in Privileged Credential Vaults

Replicated, geographically distributed credential storage is essential to fault-tolerant privileged access management.

Bravura Privilege
Securing Access to Privileged Accounts

Using password randomization, a credential vault and a request/approval process to secure access to shared, privileged accounts.

Bravura Identity
Best Practices for Managing User Identifiers

Best practices for assigning and managing unique user identifiers, such as login IDs and e-mail addresses.

Bravura Pass
Password Management Project Roadmap

Recommended processes, implementation sequence and stake-holders for successful password management automation.

Bravura Identity
Bravura Identity Express: Password Management Edition

The technical and business consequences of locating users, applications and IAM systems on-premises, in the cloud and off-site.

Bravura Identity
IAM Terminology

Key identity and access management terminology.

Bravura Identity
Bravura Identity Features at a Glance

Product features in Bravura Identity.

Bravura Identity
IAM Project Best Practices

Best practices for deploying and operating an IAM infrastructure, including long-term commitments, metrics and more.

Bravura Pass
Selecting a Password Management Product

Building a business case and defining functional and technical requirements for a password management system.

Bravura Pass
Managing Lotus Notes ID File Passwords With Bravura Pass

Collecting, updating and redistributing Notes ID files to automate password management with Bravura Pass.

Bravura Pass
Password Reset for Locked Out Users

Assisting users who forgot or locked out their PC login password.

Bravura Pass
Addressing IAM Deployment Challenges
Simplifying ID mapping, role definition and workflow configuration when implementing IAM process automation.
Bravura Pass
Best Practices for Challenge/Response Authentication

Formulating memorable, secure and easy-to-use challenge/response questions as a backup to passwords.

Bravura Pass
Bravura Pass Security Analysis
Securing passwords and IT support processes and protecting Bravura Pass application servers against attack and abuse.
Bravura Identity
Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance Using the Bravura

Using IAM process automation to meet governance objectives in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX).

Bravura Pass
Operational Challenges Created by Single Sign-On

Conflict between endpoint device diversity and wallets of randomized application passwords.

Bravura Pass
Bravura Pass Telephony Integration

Integrating Bravura Pass with telephony infrastructure, either using an existing IVR system or routing calls to the included password-reset IVR system.

Bravura Identity
21 CFR 11 Compliance Using the Bravura Security Fabric

Using IAM process automation to meet authentication and control objectives in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Volume 11 (21 CFR 11).

Bravura Pass
Password Reset Automation in an ISP

Using self-service to drive down password-related support call volume at an Internet Service Provider.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Security Fabric
The Trouble with Policy-Based Provisioning

The strategy of granting access strictly based on roles and the challenges with deploying and managing such a system.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Privilege
Identity and Privileged Access Maturity Model [Survey]
We partnered with Gartner Peer Insights to get a deeper look at where organizations are in their identity and privileged access management journeys. The survey included 100 IT leaders at organizations of varying sizes from North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). 
Bravura Identity / Bravura Privilege
Choosing a Modern Access Management and Governance Solution for Higher Education

This eBook will provide a deeper understanding of modernization and digital transformation within the higher education industry.

Bravura Identity / Bravura Privilege / Bravura Security Fabric
Zero Trust and Identity Access Management
Start an actionable game plan for your next security model with this starter guide on adaptable access management and dynamic Zero Trust. In partnership with the global enterprise security company intiGrow, we have developed this guide to answer essential Zero Trust questions and more.
Bravura Pass / Bravura Safe
Go Passwordless at Your Organization to Reduce Cybersecurity Risk

Learn how to choose the right solution with our comprehensive Enterprise Password Management guide

Bravura Identity / Bravura Privilege
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial's Mastering Compliance with IAM & PAM
With cyber threats looming large and the financial sector remaining a prime target, our bank has forged a path of innovation and resilience by harnessing the power of cutting-edge identity and privileged access solutions. Watch us as we share our remarkable journey in weaving security, compliance, and strategic partnerships into a seamless tapestry. 
Bravura Identity / Bravura Pass / Bravura Privilege / Bravura Cloud
Ending Complexity with the New Bravura Cloud
This keynote introduces the new Bravura Cloud. Our cloud-native security fabric will allow you to fortify your organization's security posture today and in the future with exceptional usability, scalability and efficiency. Watch our illuminating presentation that delves into unlocking the untapped value in your organization’s security data held within your existing or potential investments in Bravura Pass, Privilege and Identity.
Bravura Identity
Empowering Upfield's "Better Plant-Based Future" through Automated Identity
In our era of focus on sustainability and innovation, Upfield has emerged as a trailblazer with its vision of creating a "Better Plant-Based Future." This vision, integrated throughout Upfield's operations, from product development to environmental performance, demands a robust yet agile approach to identity management. Watch an informative webinar to dig into the vital role of identity automation in realizing Upfield's vision and shaping the future of sustainable business practices. 
Bravura Identity
Let AI Drive Compliance and Provisioning in Your Identity Journey
AI brings not only transformative possibilities but also new security challenges with a need to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to identity security. Watch us with our partners, intiGrow to learn how to strategically employ AI to safeguard against the very challenges it may introduce.