The Rising Insider Threat
Hackers Have Approached 65% of Executives or Their Employees To Assist in Ransomware Attacks
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Ransomware attacks regularly generated prominent news coverage in 2021, and they are continuing to grow in frequency, complexity and sophistication. Yet, there is another facet of ransomware attacks that has not received the same attention in the media: insider threats.
Since our last survey conducted in November, there has been a 17% increase in the number of employees and executives who have been approached by hackers to assist in ransomware attacks. To combat this rising threat, businesses must take a proactive offensive approach to cybersecurity or face financial and reputational damage.
To gain a better understanding of the different types of ransomware threats, Pulse and Bravura Security surveyed 100 IT and security executives on how hackers are approaching employees, how ransomware is impacting an organization’s cybersecurity approach, and how prepared businesses really are to combat these attacks.