
NEW!   Bravura Pass Plus

Give users the ultimate convenience of forgetting their passwords forever. Gain revolutionary control, coordination, and insights for all organizational passwords. 


Power to the User: One-Click Password Retrieval within a Password-Free Experience, Assuring Instant and Scalable Re-Security for Breach Protection

Elevate your password security and modernize your user’s digital experiences with Bravura Pass Plus – your ultimate password management solution. Say goodbye to password fatigue and hello to effortless access. Advanced user vaults not only safeguard credentials, set by your central password policies before being pushed to credential vaults for one-click access, but also provide users with convenient and efficient auto-fill logins. Automated credential rotation ensure users uninterrupted productivity with a password-free feel. 

With our innovative one-click resecure capability, you have the power to rotate credentials instantly, maintaining business flow without locking out users, mitigating breaches before investigations even begin. Recover from threats in record time, not months, keeping business operations smooth and secure without overloading your help desk. 

Harness the power of password analytics and the Password Risk Dashboard for a crystal-clear view of your password security stance. Spot weak spots at a glance, stay compliant, and leverage insightful reports to unify your team behind fortified practices. Bravura Pass Plus is more than a tool; it's productivity plus peace of mind in one powerful package. 

Deliver a Password-Free Feel that You Can Instantly Resecure at Scale

Bravura Pass Plus delivers convenient, stress-free password access to strengthened passwords for users, plus organizational control and analytics for a clear security posture snapshot, and accelerated recovery if a breach is detected.

Users are empowered to smoothly operate in their digital environment with Bravura Pass Plus protection. Simplified access through an advanced vault that securely stores credentials, set and managed by the organization’s security policies, provides a relief for users for users battling password fatigue. This prevents dangerous practices like password reuse that invites cyber threats. Users benefit from streamlined logins with secure auto-fill and automated updates for an experience of a password-free workspace. They avoid frustrating lockouts, manual resets and creating and remembering complex passwords.

Bravura Pass Plus transforms organizational security responsiveness to credential compromises by rapidly re-securing user credentials at scale without disrupting or locking out users. By taking control of all password management and enabling effortless updates company-wide, Bravura Pass Plus's centralized approach provides the assurance of a swift recovery process, quickly restoring secure access and minimizing downtime to maintain business continuity, a recovery process that could otherwise take months to complete. 

The integrated Password Risk Dashboard offers a visual and intuitive risk assessment, clearly highlighting weak passwords and recommending areas to investigate to ensure compliance. It also provides key performance indicators to monitor and enhance password management daily and delivers reports to share insights and gain support of key stakeholders across the organization. 


Knowledge workers using corporate laptops

Business Challenges


  • Complexity of Password Management: Users face difficulties managing complex passwords, leading to frustration and decreased productivity. Password resets and helpdesk calls increase operational costs and interrupt workflows.

  • Security Risks and Compliance Challenges: Organizations struggle to ensure passwords are changed on time and are compliant with security policies, creating audit and significant security risks.

  • Inefficiencies in Current Practices: Existing solutions compromise ease of use, hurting the user experience. Managing and remembering complex passwords is cumbersome and is misaligned with modern password-free approaches.

  • Need for Streamlined Access Control: Organizations require a method to centrally define and securely deliver password values to users, facilitating a seamless workflow and simplifying the login process without compromising security.

  • Traditional Helpdesk Authentication: Attackers target password recovery MFA factors like Voice Print and Q&A leading to heightened risk of social engineering and phishing, threatening helpdesk integrity and risking breaches. 

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Solution and Features

Bravura Pass Plus aims to solve the prevalent business problems associated with legacy password management while enhancing both security and user experience.

  • Enhance Security without Sacrificing Convenience: Integrate a solution that aligns with users' routines and eliminates password frustrations and risks. Features like auto-fill and centrally managed password copy further simplify.

  • Employ Password Randomization, Rotation and Resecuring: Elevate security with randomized rotation,  a level of service typically reserved for privileged access solutions, but now integrated into your password security. 
  • Automate Password Management: Implement automated password management to ensure timely password changes in compliance with policies. Eliminate manual password recall, thereby reducing the chance of password-related breaches.

  • Central Control and Risk Mitigation: Achieve centralized control over password values, delivering them securely to users as needed, with privilege-like rotation. Enable IT Security to effectively address and mitigate password compromise risks.

  • Improve Help Desk Security Through Phishing-Resistant Authentication: 
    Shift to secure, user-friendly MFA solutions like Azure MFA, Bravura OneAuth, Okta, and Ping Identity, with RADIUS for enhanced password reset verification. Bravura Pass Plus supports organizations not yet ready to abandon Q&A systems by creating and securely storing unique random Q&A data for users so they always have access. It enhances security without relying on user memory, integrates with current MFA , and strengthens help desk security during password resets. 

Benefits of Bravura Pass Plus for Organizations

Bravura Pass Plus is a strategic approach to re-securing credentials and passwords that provides more than a convenient user experience; it's a powerful tool against cybercrime, protecting organizations comprehensively.

User Empowerment

By allowing users to focus on their primary tasks without the concern of remembering or resetting passwords, the system empowers them to work more independently and confidently. This can lead to a more engaged and effective workforce.

Increased Productivity

Eliminating password-related interruptions allows users to maintain a more efficient, uninterrupted workflow. Employees can focus on their core duties without being sidetracked by login issues, ultimately contributing to the overall productivity.

Simplified Access

As organizations move towards password-free entry systems, having a smoother login process becomes increasingly important. Simplified access not only improves the user experience but also supports a faster and more secure authentication process.

Rapid Organizational Re-Securing

Swiftly reset and deploy user credentials post-breach to reduce disruptions. Streamline password updates for all accounts, cut downtime, and maintain smooth operations with this scalable system, ensuring quick incident response.

Enhanced Security

Enhancing security while maintaining usability is crucial in protecting sensitive information. Reducing reliance on passwords, which are often vulnerable to being stolen or guessed, significantly improves overall security. This is especially important in an era where cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and frequent.

Centralized Governance

Bravura Pass Plus enables centralized governance that not only ensures consistent enforcement of password policies across an organization but also mitigates vulnerabilities and non-compliance risks by simplifying compliance, bolstering security, and offering transparent oversight of password management activities.

Audit-Ready Password Management

By automating password management and adhering to regulatory standards, Bravura Pass Plus provides an audit-ready solution that keeps organizations compliant and protects against credential-based attacks, ensuring peace of mind and a robust compliance posture.

Reduced Calls to a Modernized IT Help Desk

A decrease in password-related help desk calls, to a phishing-resistant help desk that no longer leverages Q&A, SMS Pins or voice recognition authentication, results in significant time and resource savings for the IT department. This enhances security and enables IT to focus on more strategic initiatives. 

Features of Our Solution

Bravura Pass Plus is a password management tool that empowers users with the ultimate convenience of instant access to their credentials combined with the organization’s enhanced management of all passwords and insight into its overarching password health. Explore some key features of our product. Click + to learn more!

Empower Password-Free Access

Bravura Pass Plus transforms user access by providing a password-free experience that integrates seamlessly into their daily workflow. It replaces the need for users to remember complex passwords with automated, policy-compliant credentials delivered directly to secure user vaults for instant auto-fill logins. Beyond simplifying the login process, this approach strengthens user security by preventing account lockouts and reducing reliance on insecure workarounds, ensuring uninterrupted productivity. 

Pass Plus Autofill

  • Seamless One-Click Access & Auto-Updated User Vaults Passwords are automatically rotated, securely stored, and continuously updated in each user’s personal enterprise vault. Users can customize notification settings for a streamlined experience that enhances productivity and mirrors the seamless access found in their personal digital lives. After any absence, users can effortlessly return to work bypassing help desk resets and 'forgot password' hurdles for continuous, uninterrupted access.  

  • Multi-Platform Password Access with Tailored Access Experience When users need to retrieve their passwords, they can do so effortlessly. Users will enjoy the convenience of biometric authentication for quick one-click access to passwords on any device—be it on their desktops, mobile phones, through browser extensions, or a web interface guaranteeing constant access. 

  • Remote Password Recovery Ensure continuous operational efficiency with the ability to securely access current or backup passwords from any location, bypassing the need for physical device management or network reconnection. This capability not only eliminates the logistical challenges and expenses associated with device handling at central offices but also reinforces user autonomy and maintains uninterrupted productivity across your organization. 

  • Password Reset Safety Net When unexpected events happen, a variety of self-service password reset methods are available for users to conveniently and securely change their passwords without needing IT support. Web-based self-service portal enables immediate password changes that avoid helpdesk wait times while chatbot-assisted password resets leverage user-friendly, API-driven password updates.  
One-Click Password Re-Secure for Protection Against Credential Based Attacks

Activate an instant defense against potential breaches with just one click. Quickly update passwords across the organization for some or all users, groups, or systems—effectively neutralizing threats and strengthening your security posture preemptively, even before any formal investigation is underway. This approach applies the same rigorous level of control and surveillance to every password, not just privileged accounts, ensuring comprehensive protection against data breaches and aiding in regulatory compliance.  

  • Rotate Passwords Scheduled or On-Demand Dynamic credential randomization and rotation allows on-demand, scheduled, or instantaneous password updates for individuals, groups, or systems, ensuring optimal security and compliance with minimal operational disruption. Elevate security with a level of service typically reserved for privileged access solutions, but now integrated into your password security. 

  • Automate Password Lifecycle Management Streamline the policies and processes for creating, changing, and managing passwords, pushing the most current credentials to user vaults for uninterrupted access while reducing the risk of human error and ensuring timely revocation of access rights as needed. 

  • Advanced Password Governance with Simplified User Experience Enforce the most complex password policies allowed by target systems, all while maintaining a simplified user experience. Effectively govern passwords, tailor policies and rules to distinct user groups or account types, and seamlessly monitor password change activities. This strategic approach minimizes the risk of password compromises and enables prompt detection of any irregular password change events. 
Optimize Security Posture and Compliance with Password Health Analytics and Actionable Insights

Our password health analytics provides a visual dashboard for immediate insight into your security strengths and areas needing improvement. Leverage real-time data visualization to detect hidden vulnerabilities, develop targeted security tactics, and compile comprehensive reports that meet compliance demands. Customize your analysis further by integrating familiar Business Insight tools such as Tableau, Power BI, or Excel. Our robust REST API integration streamlines continuous safeguarding and simplifies demonstrating compliance across your network, including all integrated systems and third-party identity providers. 


  • Password Risk Dashboard for Transparent Oversight Proactively identify and evaluate the scope of at-risk passwords, understand the potential risks, and establish clear accountability for updates. This level of clarity and control is essential during high-pressure situations like security breaches, allowing for decisive action with minimal operational impact.  

  • Turn Insights into Tangible Actions With the capability to alert stakeholders through various communication channels such as email, chat, and text messages, you ensure that critical information is promptly disseminated. Streamline your response processes by automatically generating service tickets and take advantage of the scalability and flexibility offered by functions-as-a-service (FaaS) to handle tasks efficiently. The system's adaptability also allows you to integrate your existing tools, providing a seamless and personalized approach to managing your organizational needs. 

  • Comprehensive Password Management KPIs Tap into vital metrics to enhance security, ensure compliance with password policies, and reduce the risk of credential-related breaches. A wide-range KPIs include the percentage of user accounts running with automated password lifecycles, or with known password states. They can also include the percentage of passwords meeting your password policies, re-using old passwords, passwords being shared by different employees in your organization, appearing on compromised password lists. 

  • Comprehensive Compliance Intelligence Reporting Generate detailed reports to strengthen organizational compliance, with real-time monitoring, risk assessment, and predictive insights to pinpoint and document potential compliance issues. These reports are crucial during audits and help demonstrate adherence to industry and regulatory standards.  

  • Enhanced Audit-Readiness Automate password management, aligning with regulatory standards to enable audit readiness and compliance, enforcing uniform password policies, reducing security vulnerabilities, and providing clear reporting for easy audit verification. This not only streamlines compliance efforts, it minimizes the risk of breaches or penalties, and simplifies the maintenance of password-related regulations. 
Optimize ROI and Reduce OPEX

By focusing on user productivity, IT resource allocation, security risk management, compliance simplification, and system-wide scalability, Bravura Pass Plus not only fortifies your security posture but also delivers measurable financial advantages, ensuring that your organization runs more efficiently and safely in today's fast-paced digital landscape. 

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  • Elevates Employee Productivity Simplify the login process and minimize password-related interruptions. 
  • Alleviates Helpdesk Burdens Reduce password support requests, freeing up IT resources for more strategic projects. 
  • Guards Against Expensive Security Breaches Use rapid response tools and ongoing monitoring of password integrity. 
  • Streamlines Compliance and Auditing Automated, real-time reporting capabilities. 
  • Consistent Operational Flow Quickly restore user access and securing systems in case of security incidents. 
  • Scalable Password Management Seamlessly integrates with all systems and third-party providers, avoiding additional costs. 

Why Password Vaulting, Analytics and Re-Securing Matters

Organizations employ a myriad of apps and systems tasking users with remembering multiple login details while mandating increasingly complex password policies. This leaves users turning to insecure passwords and password reuse. It leaves your organization vulnerable.

When a user is locked out or forgets their password, they rely on IT support creating delay and frustration. Such issues and requests for password resets make up a significant portion of IT help desk tasks. Streamlining credential management and sign-ins can not only free IT resources to concentrate on more substantial initiatives, it can free users from password memorization forever.

Bravura Security offers Pass Plus for revolutionary password management. Free users from password burdens to simplify logins while strengthening passwords according to policies, accelerating the time for organizations to resecure and recover from password and credential attacks, all underscored by important password key performance indicators and compliance insights.


Passwordless Authentication

Reimagining End User Password Management and Transforming Breach Response

Traditional password management has long been a cornerstone of organizational security practices. However, as the digital landscape evolves, so too do the challenges associated with managing passwords. Conventional password management strategies often exhibit critical shortcomings, including user password fatigue, the risk of user lockouts, and compliance challenges with security standards. The Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), an authoritative annual analysis of security incidents and data breaches, frequently cites weak or reused passwords as a significant contributor to security breaches, underscoring the consequences of password fatigue and the drawbacks of complex password policies that may lead to user lockouts. Additionally, the report discusses the repercussions of non-compliance with security standards, suggesting that traditional password management methods may not suffice for upholding cybersecurity norms.

This whitepaper introduces Bravura Pass Plus, a solution designed to address these issues by removing the traditional password management and password safety burdens while transforming password management strength, security, and accountability.

Download White Paper




Request a Demo of Bravura Pass Plus Today

Request a demo to see how Bravura Pass Plus works for empowering users with effortless one-click password access featuring robust organizational control and visibility. For more information about our revolutionary password management tool, contact us online.


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"Fully met our company's need for Identity and Password management."

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